Tuesday, 14 February 2017

Valentines: you can have my organ!

So here we are, the obligatory day of romance whether you want it or believe in it. If you don't apparently you are miserable and of course you are not.. Well for the first time in my 40 youngish years I tend to agree with the sentiment of consumer orientated dribble.
Yes I got flowers and of course I love them and am grateful; its the only time I get them. We have flowers always in the house but I buy them. If its something I want all the time then I should buy them.
I understand its that one day most people get any flicker of romance but its not without stress as I witnessed in Clinton's card yesterday. It was like a scene of the living dead. Men folk picking up cards, putting down cards, huffing and puffing., talking aloud to themselves "how much". Women with younger children chanting "just get one, anyone". Then there was me with the youngest helping me pick a husband card. The first one she pointed at I bought, without any consideration to the sentiment as she informed me she was sick of Valentines day. Then it hit me being a teenage girl on Valentines day is actually the most pants day of the year.
As soon as you are at "big school" you realise all those cards you used to get during primary were actually from your parents not the boy in 5A you actually thought liked you. For me I realised that when I never got another card again during my school years. Well excluding the one a pal gave me from the ones she received as she had too many. How very kind of her!
Of course I am teaching the youngest that Valentines cards are not a merit of how pretty, popular or desirable you are its just a load of pants. She agrees but I can see she wouldn't object if she got one.
I am not a fan of getting older but I wouldn't want to be 15 again with my tight perm and proper school shoes.
Writing the customary "guess who" in scrawly handwriting to disguise my own,  I sent a card to a boy in my class. It was the last card  I sent until I became a grown up. He mistook it for being sent by someone else. I know this because he told me and he asked the girl out. They dated and I never owned up. So yup Valentine can suck.
I felt guilty this morning being one of the masses sending a card for the sake of it. So my grand gesture of romance for Andrew today, the most romantic days of all the days; I put the bin out.  
In our home, that's Andrew's job and it doesn't seem much but it has to be dragged down a very large lane. He was delighted with his present when he got home from work.

Anyhoo I think there is a much better gift on Valentine's day than a heart shaped box of chocs or a card with padding and glitter. Its a pressie that doesn't discriminate between single or married, coupled or divorced, cupid believer or non.  Its  the one of being a living donor. So my gift to those that may need it is to register. This might not be for you but its worth considering. Its a personal thing.


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